In a desperate bid to save her struggling business, Gwyneth Paltrow is “Gooping” up...
In a desperate bid to save her struggling business, Gwyneth Paltrow is “Gooping” up...
Gwyneth Paltrow’s goofy wellness company Goop is getting slimed again! Last year,...
Experts Spot Sure Signs of Surgery!
One staffer called it “Mean Girls on steroids”.
Her new husband, Brad Falchuk, won't be happy about this one!
The A-list actress is not holding back!
"This lawsuit is completely without merit!"
Paltrow & Falchuk union remains work in progress!
Wedding guests & surgeon spot work Goop queen's mug!
Unexpected bow toward tradition for ex not-Mrs. Martin!
Blabbermouth spills beans at couple's rehearsal bash!
Star's big trick to slim down even more!
Feared a failed marriage before it even started!
Battle of 'Friends' over celebrity bridesmaids!
Lifestyle guru will let herself go for big event!
Pending nuptials may turn profit for Goopy goofus!
Beats out her ex Chris Martin in race to the altar!
Would-be lifestyle princess fears debts will leave her a pauper!
Being showbiz offspring couldn't protect them — but Brad Pitt tried!
Insiders skeptical of Oscar winner's outreach to old beau!
Domestic diva getting last laugh over 'Goop' !