Hollywood Horror!

Marilyn Monroe’s Autopsy Cover-Up Exposed

Coroner claims 'they just called it a suicide!'

Marilyn Monroe committed suicide at 36 years old by overdosing on sleeping pills, according to the official autopsy — but an eyewitness says that was all a cover-up! Former L.A. deputy coroner Lionel Grandison finally spoke out decades after signing the legendary screen queen’s death certificate after Marilyn’s suspicious and tragic death on Aug. 5, 1962. Grandison backed up claims made by Marilyn’s close pal Debbie Reynolds, with the doctor declaring that Marilyn Monroe “did not commit suicide – she was murdered!” And in a shocking National ENQUIRER interview, Grandison added Marilyn’s tragic fate was tied to her explosive diary that contained bombshell secrets about the FBI, organized crime, and her time with secret lovers John F. Kennedy and his U.S. Attorney General brother Robert!