Exclusive Video!

Did Tax Payers Fund Hillary Digging Up Dirt On Trump?

Dick Morris exposes troubling revelations in lawsuit against the FBI!

Dick Morris is the most feared voice in politics — and the former top strategist for Bill Clinton is documenting the new D.C. for The National ENQUIRER!

Every week, Dick provides a startling look into Washington’s biggest secrets, and provides exclusive video for NationalENQUIRER.com!

Barack & Michelle: Secrets Of Their White House Marriage!

In the video above, Dick reveals the shocking lawsuit that suggests the FBI is frantic to cover up how agents spent taxpayer dollars to help Hillary Clinton become President of the United States!

The D.C. insider details the money trail leading to the discredited “dossier” on  Donald Trump that was put together by British spy Christopher Steele.

‘Worse Than Watergate’ — Barack Obama’s Wiretap Obsession!

Dick reveals the troubling response to a new lawsuit filed by the group Coalition for Action as they sought answers about the involvement of James Comey in the troubling disaster of a “dirt file” — and reveals the FBI response he calls “as close as we can get” to a confession from the Feds!

Watch the video above as Dick calls for a real investigation into the Russian “hacking,” and learn more of D.C.’s darkest secrets from Dick Morris in the new issue of The National ENQUIRER, on newsstands now!