Dick Morris is the most feared voice in politics — and the former top strategist for Bill Clinton is documenting the new D.C. for The National ENQUIRER!
Every week, Dick provides a startling look into Washington’s biggest secrets, along with exclusive video for NationalENQUIRER.com!
Obama’s Girls Gone Wild — Troubling Photos!
In the video above, Dick Morris reveals how the absence of top strategist Steve Bannon has left Donald Trump more vulnerable than ever to the treasonous Deep State operatives out to unseat the President!
The veteran D.C. insider details how operatives still loyal to Barack Obama continue to try and derail the Trump administration — and explains the White House’s many recent shocking reversals of policy.
How Hillary Helped Cover Up Bill’s History Of Sexual Assault!
Dick also goes behind the scenes of the White House to expose how even Trump’s own appointees are helping to support the Deep State conspiracy.
Watch the video above for the inside story on Trump’s greatest challenge, and get the inside story on America’s political struggle in the new issue of The National ENQUIRER, on newsstands now!