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Ted Cruz has
worked hard to avoid The National ENQUIRER's bombshell reporting on his father
Rafael Cruz's possible association with Kennedy assassin
Lee Harvey Oswald — but
Donald Trump is speaking out about the scandal! The fiery presidential candidate shamed his rival right before the Indiana primary by bringing up his moralistic dad's questionable past!
Photo credit: Getty/National ENQUIRER
GOP Presidential Candidate Senator Ted Cruz Campaigns In Iowa Day Ahead Of State’s Caucus
"I think it's a disgrace that he's allowed to do it,' Donald said, when asked about Rafael's bizarre appeals to Christian evangelicals to vote for Ted as "according to the word of God." The billionaire then invoked
The ENQUIRER's exclusive reporting to question Rafael's moral high ground!
Photo credit: Getty Images
"You know, his father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald being shot," said Donald. "The whole thing is ridiculous — and nobody even brings it up! They don't even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it."
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The ENQUIRER had the exclusive photographs that showed Ted Cruz’s Cuban-born father (arrow) handing out pro-communist Fidel Castro flyers in New Orleans. That would be disgraceful enough, but the pictures also appeared to show Rafael standing right alongside Lee Harvey Oswald (at left, facing camera) — just three months before the assassin
took the life of President John F. Kennedy!U1397792
The explosive charge was leveled at Rafael after an exhaustive investigation conducted by The ENQUIRER. The blockbuster probe was only reported after reporters had obtained and analyzed compelling photographic evidence buried in secret U.S. government files. The photographs clearly appeared to place Rafael Cruz, 77, in the orbit of the man who murdered America’s 35th president.
Lee Harvey Oswald Distributing Pro-Cuba Flyers
Oswald and Rafael can be seen handing out “Hands Off Cuba” pamphlets that support Castro. The political propaganda was actually arguing against U.S. intervention in the communist island nation! The ENQUIRER subjected the photos to intense scrutiny, and relied on the judgment of a group of world-renowned experts in photography and facial recognition.
Senator Ted Cruz Presidential Campaign Rally in Iowa
While some concluded it is technically impossible to definitively validate the man’s identity with the low resolution quality of the 52-year-old image, a host of leading authorities rendered judgment in an implication that could have chilling consequences!
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“There’s more similarity than dissimilarity,” said Mitch Goldstone (pictured), the president and chief executive officer of ScanMyPhotos.com — who has reviewed more than 300 million photographs over his 26-year career. He concluded: “It’s troubling because it looks to be the same person, and I can say as much with a high degree of confidence.”
Photo credit: National ENQUIRER
Lee Harvey Oswald Distributing Pro-Cuba Flyers
The ENQUIRER also took steps to confirm that the disturbing images are definitely not forgeries! “There’s nothing in the image of the 1959 protest that would lead me to say that the image has been Photoshopped,” said New York-based Photoshop specialist Alan Barry. “There does not appear to be anything about the image of Lee Harvey Oswald that indicates there was a contemporary edit, either.”
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Former U.S. Navy lieutenant and National Security Agency consultant-turned-investigative journalist Wayne Madsen told The ENQUIRER that the troubling photos suggest Rafael worked directly with Oswald before the former Marine fired the fatal shots from the Texas School Book Depository in downtown Dallas that killed Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963. “The receding chin, the hairline, the nose are a pretty good match,” said Madsen. “If it is [Rafael Cruz], it raises questions about what he knew about Oswald — who I believe was part of a CIA plot to kill Kennedy!”
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Rafael’s links to New Orleans aren't disputed, however. Ted’s father graduated from The University of Texas in 1961, and wound up in New Orleans where he eventually met Ted’s mother, Eleanor. “Cruz was in New Orleans during 1963," Madsen claimed, "the year that New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison claimed his city was the focal point for the plot to assassinate John F. Kennedy.”
Photo credit: Getty Images
Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz Hosts Iowa Caucus Night Celebration
Cruz’s campaign condemned The ENQUIRER exposé linking his father to Oswald as “
another garbage story in a tabloid full of garbage.” Cruz's people went on to call the story “false” and said that the person in the photograph is not Rafael Cruz. After the most recent claims by Trump, Cruz called in to the MSNBC network to dismiss The ENQUIRER's reporting as "nuts."
Photo credit: Getty Images
Donald Trump Holds Town Hall In Wisconsin Ahead Of State Primary
Trump, however, continued to ask the tough questions about his father that Ted dodged
when confronted by reporters for The ENQUIRER on the campaign trail. "What was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death, before the shooting?" said Donald. "It's horrible!"
Photo credit: Getty Images