The widow of an Indiana man “obsessed” with child-pageant queen
JonBenét Ramsey, whose murder has remained America’s greatest unsolved mystery, has stepped forward to solve the crime with a bombshell videotaped confession: "My husband killed JonBenét Ramsey!”
In a jaw-dropping world-exclusive investigation,
The National ENQUIRER cracked the
21-years-old cold case. Courageous
Charlotte Hey (right) broke her silence for the first time to finger her unhinged ex-husband,
Glenn Meyer (left), as JonBenét’s murderer.
“I believe my husband killed
JonBenét, I knew he was capable of it,” Charlotte told The ENQUIRER exclusively in this video interview. “When I asked him if he murdered her, he would just smile at me. He wouldn’t deny it.” Charlotte married Meyer in 1960 and they were on and off in the decades that followed, eventually divorcing in 2002.
At the time of the murder, Meyer was secretly living in the basement of a home across the street from the Ramsey home (left) in Boulder, Colo., and later built a shrine to the slain child using pictures and newspaper clippings, sources said.
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His handwriting matched the ransom note found in the Ramsey home, and cops considered him a suspect. In emails to The ENQUIRER, JonBenét’s father,
John Ramsey, told how Meyer turned up at his house uninvited when the family hosted a party on Dec. 23, 1996 — two days before her murder.
“Yes, Glenn Meyer was of interest at some point,” John told The ENQUIRER via email on Jan. 15. “I do recall him coming to our door the night of our family Christmas party, which was just before Christmas. I don’t remember why. Up to that point we did not know he was living across the street in the basement.”
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A new witness made a deathbed confession that she saw Meyer on the Ramsey property on the night of JonBenét’s murder. Meyer battled mental illness, was drowning in debt at the time of the murder, and had a history of violence.
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Court documents obtained by The ENQUIRER show Meyer was arrested for a 1991 assault in a domestic violence case, and was ordered to attend anger counseling courses. In August 1995, he was sued for owing more than $24,000, and subpoenaed to appear in Boulder County court in October 1996 — two months before the murder.
The creep also had a vicious streak — especially toward young girls. “He was violent with my little girl. She was in the fourth grade and he gave her such a horrible spanking,” Charlotte told The ENQUIRER. “I told him to stop but he wouldn’t. A lot of times he was cruel to my kids. They were afraid of him. I was scared of him!”
The beast even walloped her one-year-old granddaughter while she was sitting in a high chair! “The scary thing is, Meyer had a history of abusive and deranged behavior, yet somehow he ends up living in the basement of JonBenét’s elderly babysitters, Joe and Betty Barnhill,” a source said. “It was easy access.”
JonBenét was six years old when she was sexually violated and strangled inside her family’s ritzy home. Cops suspect
the killer broke a basement window, crept into the house, slipped up to the bedroom where JonBenét was sleeping, and knocked her out with a stun gun.
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She was carried to the basement, bound, silenced with duct tape, molested, strangled with a garrote and smashed in the head with a baseball bat. Investigators linked Meyer to the murder through the bizarre three-page ransom note found before JonBenét’s body was discovered in the basement.
A demand of $118,000 was written on a legal pad found in the house and signed “SBTC.” John told The ENQUIRER that
Lou Smit, a former detective hired to investigate the crime, zeroed in on Meyer due to the ransom note and evidence found in the loner’s basement apartment at the Barnhill home.
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“Lou Smit told me there was a photo of a Navy Avenger aircraft in the basement with SBTC lettering on it, which seemed beyond coincidental,” John wrote. Evidence pointing to Meyer as JonBenét’s killer is supported by a female neighbor's deathbed claim that she saw Meyer near the Ramsey home on the night of the killing.
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“She [the neighbor] is positive she saw Meyer approaching the house the night of the murder,” Roscoe J. Clark, founder of the online group JonBenet Investigation, told The ENQUIRER. “People were afraid of him. He would stare at children in the neighborhood. The witness said she wanted to clear her conscience before she died.”
When questioned by cops, Meyer’s alibi was that he had stomach flu the night of the murder. He submitted blood, DNA and hair samples, and was cleared after passing a lie detector test. But police were unable to completely exonerate him from writing the ransom note, according to a source familiar with the case.
Cops demanded Meyer submit handwriting samples because of the undeniable similarities with the ransom note. At The ENQUIRER’s request, Charlotte reviewed the ransom note, and said the handwriting resembled her ex-husband’s — particularly the distinctive way he wrote the letters “G” and “Y.”
Not long after JonBenét’s death, Meyer fled Boulder for Indiana, where he lived in a state-run apartment complex for elderly homeless people. That’s where Meyer — who was battling dementia — decorated his room with photos of JonBenét and news clippings about her death.
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“He had pictures [of her], pieces of newspapers with pictures of JonBenét pasted all over the wall of that apartment,” Charlotte told The ENQUIRER. “He was obsessed with that little dying girl.” Meyer’s nephew, Robert Meyer, defended him, saying: “I don’t think he would be capable of that [murder].”
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But Charlotte thinks otherwise. Before he died in July 2005, Charlotte visited her former husband in the hospital. Standing over him, she told The ENQUIRER, her only thought was: “You deserve to die, you a--hole!”