Elvis Presley in concert in Las Vegas
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Elvis In Concert
“I saw the ups and the downs and the happy and the sad,” said Tish — and she witnessed a lot of sadness: “Here was a man that the world thought had it all, but even he had things missing in his life!” Tish added that Elvis spent his final months as "a very miserable person."
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The ENQUIRER also spoke to
Jody Ghanem — the widow of one of Elvis' physician Dr. Elias Ghanem. The insider claimed that her husband had, secretly stored drug “evidence” related to the singer’s 1977 death. She finally opened the box after her husband’s death.
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Photo of Elvis PRESLEY
“I was amazed [by] the amount of prescriptions given to this man,” Jody said — adding that the vials included several opiates used for the treatment of depression. Elvis' stash also had bottles of the anxiety-relieving drugs Quaalude and Valium, which is also often prescribed for depression.
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Elvis Presley Departing His hotel For Nassau Coliseum
These new revelations come in the wake of Elvis' stepbrother David Stanley insisting that
the superstar killed himself. David, whose mother Dee married Elvis' father Vernon in 1960, told The ENQUIRER that The King had personally prepared him for his shocking death.
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Elvis Presley Departing JFK Airport – July 20, 1975
Two days before Elvis' death in 1977, revealed David, his stepbrother said: "Goodbye. You'll never see me alive again!" Dee even later claimed that Elvis left behind a suicide note, and was being treated for cancer!
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