Mike Walker

Josh Gad & Jonah Hill Laughing Over Mistaken Identities

Big stars get mixed up!

josh gad jonah hill mistaken identity
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Mike Walker reports…. One almost can’t mistake gagster 
Josh Gad’s giant voice bellowing animated megahits like “Beauty and the Beast” and “Frozen.”

The Broadway biggie — whose movie career is now exploding with huge flicks like “Marshall” and “Murder on the Orient Express” — still has surprisingly frequent encounters that make him laugh his butt off!

Fans, and even fellow stars, confuse him with his good buddy sort-of look-alike Jonah Hill!

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Said a pal: “Josh chuckles about the mix-ups, even joking he gets movie parts Jonah’s nixed!

“But he’s getting nervous now that Jonah’s trimmed 40 pounds, looks like a matinee idol and is scoring flicks that’d never tolerate a ‘tubby!’”