The mistress of Lee Harvey Oswald backs up The National ENQUIRER’s blockbuster exclusive that Sen. Ted Cruz’s father was tied to the plot to murder President John F. Kennedy!
In our May 2016, The ENQUIRER reported the then-presidential candidate’s father, Rafael Cruz, handed out pro-communist Fidel Castro flyers in New Orleans — alongside Oswald — just three months before Kennedy’s assassination!
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Though Ted Cruz denied the story then and now, Oswald’s lover at the time, Judyth Vary Baker, has now stepped forward to support our scoop! “I was in New Orleans with Lee,” Judyth told The ENQUIRER. “We knew Cruz by his nickname, ‘Angel.’
“I never knew his last name until The ENQUIRER identified him,” Judyth said. “But I recognized him immediately!” Judyth met Oswald in April 1963. Although he was pretending to be pro-Castro, he was working undercover for the FBI and CIA to ferret out Castro spies, she said.
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On that fateful day at the International Trade Mart, “there were a lot of anti-Castro Cubans, so Lee hired two people to protect him,” Judyth told The ENQUIRER. “He pointed to the man I now know is Rafael Cruz and said, ‘This is Rafaeolo, the arch-angel.’
“Lee said, ‘I want you to take a look at the man who is protecting me.’ He pointed at Rafaeolo — and it was definitely Rafael Cruz.”
Rafael Cruz has denied the claims. “It’s ludicrous,” he told ABC News after The ENQUIRER report — adding: “I was never in New Orleans at that time.”