Charlie Sheen Demands $10 Million For Memoir

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Diseased Hollywood lothario Charlie Sheen is shopping a new memoir that has two enormous problems — he’s reportedly asking $10 million for the book, and publishers don’t know if they can trust anything Charlie says at this point.

The National ENQUIRER has led the way in tearing apart the tangled web of lies Sheen has woven around his HIV-positive status and his sexual antics with an odd assortment of porn stars, prostitutes of all sexes, “goddesses” and assorted shady hangers-on, so publishers are skeptical of the stories Sheen is peddling.

“So much of his life has played out in public, and so much is sordid — in this case there may be too much information. What’s left to find out?” one anonymous publishing source asked.

Sheen does not have long to persuade skittish publishers of his sincerity — word is book agents are awash in a tidal wave of proposals from virtually everyone around him — goddesses, porn actresses, madams and even bodyguards and other household help.

Everyone wants to cash in on the crashed star.

In addition to breaking the story of Sheen’s infected status, The ENQUIRER has also revealed that Sheen, 50, made multiple payoffs to women who were exposed to the HIV virus after he engaged in unprotected sex with his unsuspecting victims, some of whom have kept him buying their silence with cash, property and even jobs in showbiz!

Keep reading The ENQUIRER for the truth about sleazy Sheen.