Dishonored In Death!

Funeral Home Leaves Vietnam Vet Out Without Coffin

Corpse left disgraced over payment dispute!

vietnam veteran george taylor gurney

A Georgia funeral home displayed the body of a Vietnam Veteran for viewing on a hospital gurney!

A payment dispute led to the remains of decorated U.S. Army Veteran George Luther Taylor being left outside of a coffin during his visitation.

According to Taylor’s family, a problem with the deceased’s $9,000 life insurance payment to cover the cost of the casket led Heritage Funeral Home no choice but to leave the soldier’s corpse without one for his public viewing!

Disgusted family members posted pictures of their dearly departed on the gurney, partially covered with an American flag and a folded-up towel placed under his head, on social media — which garnered more than 2,000 shares and about 1,000 comments.

Death threats were even made towards the funeral home, who claimed they were just honoring the wishes of the family.

“We asked him to be shown, but I didn’t realize they were going to bring him out on the table like that, open,” said James Taylor, the soldier’s son. “I was hoping that they would cover it up a little bit more … it was a disrespect to my dad.”

The funeral home did place Taylor’s body in a proper casket in time for his funeral service and burial, as well as posting a video tribute to him online.