Sad End!

Toddler Freezes To Death On Front Porch

Landyn Melton had just celebrated his third birthday!

toddler freezes death landyn melton

A three-year-old North Carolina boy froze to death — on his own front porch!

Landyn Melton is believed to have wandered out of his home in the middle of the night in 20 degree temperatures!

Local police believe he got out through a door that shut behind him — keeping him outside while his mother and father were sleeping!

The boy had just celebrated his third birthday the day before with his family.

He was discovered on the porch by an individual who was driving by the house early the next morning. There were no signs of trauma found on his body.

The Burke County Sheriff’s Office said the boy died of exposure to the cold elements — including a below-zero wind chill — and are continuing to investigate Melton’s death.