Under Your Command!

World’s First Talking Sex Doll

Creator claims you can program her personality!

sexbot harmony taking sex doll

There could be something special under the tree this Christmas — a talking sex doll!

For those who have a hard time getting a date for Saturday night, a company called RealDoll may have a solution in the form of, “Sexbot Harmony 2.0.”

The makers of the doll claim users can program her personality to have her, “chat, flirt, fall in love and develop a relationship” with anyone!

The doll contains 18 different personality traits such as, “intellectual,”  “sexual,” “shy” and “thrill-seeking” to name a few.

“The idea of the robot is to help someone find a level of companionship that they may not be able to achieve otherwise,” said RealDoll CEO Matt McCullen.

Video clips of the doll speaking were recently released through social media channels.

“Once the robot is out you’ll be able to connect the AI that’s been created to the robot,” added McCullen.