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Facebook Employee Lives Out Of Her Car

Blames sky high rents in Silicon Valley!

unique parsha

A Facebook employee who can’t make ends meet is homeless and has been living out of her car for the past four months!

Unique Parsha said she cannot afford the high rents in the Silicon Valley area where the tech giant is located.

“I’m very embarrassed because I don’t want to be looked down upon or talked about,” said Parsha. “I think that companies need to look at the salaries. Are we paying employees enough to survive?”

In addition to her day gig that she landed two months ago, Parsha has been looking for a second job to help pay down her student loans and medical bills. She also runs a non-profit.

The going rate for a local apartment in the area is more than $2,000 per month. Parsha admitted her pride has kept her from telling co-workers about her situation or asking for financial assistance.

“I tell people all the time, stop looking at what somebody got and what you see on the outside,” said Parsha. “Everything I do here, this is my life. This car means everything to me because it’s all I have basically.”