Exclusive Video!

Dick Morris: The Terrorist Crisis That Will Destroy Hillary

Candidate caught up in disastrous policy!

Dick Morris is the most feared voice in politics — and now Bill Clinton’s former top strategist is writing for The National ENQUIRER!

Every week, Dick provides a startling look into D.C.’s biggest secrets — in addition to exclusive video for NationalENQUIRER.com!

In this week’s video, Dick reveals how Barack Obama has taken an open-door approach to terrorism that can cost Hillary Clinton the election!

Gennifer Flowers — Secrets Of Bill Clinton’s Mistress!

The veteran political consultant exposes the troubling secrets behind the latest terrorist plots against New York City — as Hillary has embraced NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio in hindering the local authorities trying to protect the five boroughs!

Dick has the inside story on how Hillary — already struggling in the polls — is now trapped in defending a policy that’s an open invitation to terrorism!

Watch the video to learn all about Hillary’s corrupt deal to create a flood of unscreened refugees, and learn more of D.C.’s biggest secrets in Dick Morris’ latest column — only in the new issue of The National ENQUIRER, on newsstands now!