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Beyonce Baby Watch — Sister Heads To Hospital

Fans are watching to see if twins are on the way!

Beyoncé and Jay Z‘s twins are here! The officially unconfirmed news, based on The National ENQUIRER‘s reporting, began with whispers that UCLA Medical Center had shut down its entire 5th floor to accommodate Queen Bey — and the video above surfaced showing Bey’s sister Solange Knowles arriving at the hospital to greet the new arrivals!

A source also told New York’s Daily News that DJ Khaled — a close associate of Beyoncé and Jay-Z — was spreading the word Tuesday night that he’d heard that it was a done deal.

Another source at Jay Z’s 40/40 nightclub in New York said the place was abuzz with word  that Queen Bey gave birth to a prince and a princess on Tuesday morning!

Multiple sources in Los Angeles confirmed an apparent stepping up of security at the hospital, and fans read a cryptic Instagram post from Beyoncé ‘s stylist Chuck Amos as a sign her double bundle had arrived.

“Hang in there, Mama,” he wrote, suggesting that the hard work of delivery was complete.