Iraqi madman Saddam Hussein had hatched a crazy plan to bomb the Eiffel Tower in Paris — in hopes that the French would blame the attack on America!

Sources told The ENQUIRER that if the plot succeeded, Saddam planned to strike Germany and England, believing those two European nations would join France in violent protests against America.

“In his twisted mind, Hussein had the idea that he could eventually get the Americans kicked out of Iraq by these actions,” a top source revealed.

“He wanted to cause a huge outcry, especially among the U.S.-hating French, by toppling their beloved Eiffel Tower with explosives.

“Saddam’s belief was the French would blame America — and they would lead a European drive to get the Americans out of Iraq.

“Saddam thought that if he could get the U.S. out, he could get back into power.”

If the attack on France succeeded, evil genius Hussein planned to stir up more anti-American sentiment in Germany and England. He wanted Berlin blitzed by suicide bombers — and a “dirty bomb” dropped on London’s Piccadilly Circus, said the source.

Chillingly, the attack on the Eiffel Tower was supposed to be carried out by Al Qaeda terror cells, sources say — and there was a possible connection to the funds meant to finance it.

A published report shortly before Saddam’s capture said the ousted Iraqi leader’s second wife was expected to move to Paris next month — with a ton of money!

Samira Shahbandar — described as the most beloved of Saddam’s four wives — said Saddam had given her some $5 million in cash and a hoard of jewelry and gold before sending her and his 21-year-old son, Ali, over the border into Syria.

Saddam’s wife, living under an assumed name in Lebanon, told a reporter in a rare interview that Saddam was contacting her and Ali at least once a week.

“If he cannot say something in detail on the telephone, I know I will receive a letter in two to three days giving me an explanation,” Samira told London’s Sunday Times in an interview published December 14.

The top source added: “Saddam ordered his son Ali to contact Saddam supporters and lead the attack on France.”

Said another source: “Saddam’s last desperate hope before his capture was to stir up a vast groundswell of anti-American sentiment. The best way to do this was through a level of terrorism the world had never seen before.

“He wanted the Eiffel Tower destroyed, London turned into a wasteland and Berlin blitzed by suicide bombers.

“Saddam’s supporters in Europe are in touch with Al Qaeda terror cells, and were awaiting word from him to channel money to them to do the dirty work.”

An intelligence source told The ENQUIRER: “Saddam was still plotting his comeback as dictator of Iraq.

“Thankfully, he has been captured — and his ambitious plan to make a comeback in Iraq is gone forever.” — TONY BRENNA