North Korea's twisted Sept. 3 test of a hydrogen bomb, designed for placement atop a ballistic missile, has forced President
Donald Trump to
put America’s military on red alert!
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But in a world exclusive,
The National ENQUIRER can now report the heightened state of readiness includes prepping a top-secret weapon — code-named DOOMSDAY22 — that’s capable of
making the hermit kingdom go “poof” with a “single push of a button,” according to a highly placed source.
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“The weapon is the stuff of science fiction,” said the Pentagon insider, who only spoke to The ENQUIRER on condition of anonymity. In the spirit of weapons imagined as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative, like the one shown here, “It is a massive laser outfitted onto a satellite that harnesses the sun’s energy — and then focuses it onto the Earth’s surface as a beam of pure destructive power!
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“The laser projects the equivalent of a 200-megaton blast into a focused target space,” the source revealed. “For comparison, the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated was the ‘Tsar Bomba,’ which the Soviet Union set off Oct. 30, 1961, with a yield of 50 megatons.
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The news follows North Korea’s chilling announcement it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that experts say was seven times stronger than the weapon America dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. North Korea has twice tested intercontinental ballistic missiles during 2017, including one that had a maximum range of 6,200 miles —
which could allow it to reach New York City or Washington, D.C.!
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That trial is particularly terrifying coupled with the fact that
Kim Jong-un's rogue regime claims it can
produce a nuclear warhead capable of being mounted on such an ICBM!
Henderson Cooper, a former CIA operative, told The ENQUIRER, “It’s reasonable to believe they are telling the truth!”
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After the Sept. 3 test, U.S. Defense Secretary
James Mattis ominously noted, “we are not looking to the total annihilation of a country, namely North Korea, but as I said
we have many options to do so.”
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Privately, sources tell The ENQUIRER Trump has given
the diplomatic process no more than six months to play out before he will authorize use of DOOMSDAY22! “The window to act is closing,” said our source. “Informally, I’ve heard March 1, 2018, is the deadline for diplomacy to work!”
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Because of the secrecy surrounding DOOMSDAY22, it is unknown how many would die if the weapon were engaged. And experts disagree whether a U.S. first strike would effectively end the conflict. “The North Koreans have learned to disperse their assets ... and it would be very difficult to eliminate all those targets,” said Daniel Pinkston, a professor of international relations at the Seoul campus of Troy University.
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Cooper disagreed, telling The ENQUIRER North Korea does not “have enough land to hide their weapons.” North Korea now has 15,000 artillery pieces aimed at Seoul, a metropolis of 10 million people a mere 35 miles from its border. It has one million-plus soldiers, 820 jets, 4,200 tanks and thousands of sleeper agents embedded in South Korean society.
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“DOOMSDAY22 is our only hope to stave off a massive bloodbath,” said our military insider, underscoring the moral imperative driving President Trump's tough talk before the UN General Assembly Sept 19. “It would be akin to full-scale nuclear assault — but with no warning!"
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