Heidi Cruz Campaigns For Her Husband In Wisconsin
Heidi's first planned appearance was at the Connect Church on Long Island. “They said they needed her in Wisconsin to campaign with Ted,” Pastor John Gravagna told the Post. Her appearance was called off just two hours after it was announced — as the Cruz campaign scrambles over the sex scandal fallout!
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Ted Cruz Sex Scandal Heidi 4
“Private detectives are digging into his private life,” claimed a Washington insider. “The leaked details are an attempt to destroy what’s left of his White House campaign!”
Photo credit: National ENQUIRER
Donald Trump And Ted Cruz Join Capitol Hill Rally Against Iran Deal
Ted has kept trying to recover from the reports as the moralist U.S. Senator faces plenty of mocking. Heidi had also been hoping for a chance to take on Donald Trump in New York — with the tycoon having hit back hard against a Cruz PAC that mocked Donald's wife Melania.
Photo credit: Getty Images