Dec. 31, 2007 – The ENQUIRER first publishes a bombshell report revealing Rielle’s pregnancy with Edwards’ love child and reports that a massive cover-up is taking place. Edwards vehemently denies our story. Loyalist Andrew Young claims he is the father of the baby.
Photo credit: The National Enquirer
Mere weeks after two ENQUIRER reporters nab Edwards at the Beverly Hilton hotel in Los Angeles visiting Rielle and their love child, on August 6, 2008 - releases online the "photos everyone's been waiting for " -- spy photos of Edwards holding his love child. The blockbuster issue hits newstands the same day. Two days later Edwards admits the affair on "Nightline".
Photo credit: The National Enquirer
Despite admitting the affair, Edwards still denies paternity of the love child. The ENQUIRER publishes Rielle's story about the troubling relationship.
The ENQUIRER's investigative team continues to turn the heat up on Edwards in a series of blockbuster reports throughout the remainder of 2008-2009.
The ENQUIRER's stories provide ammo for a secret Federal Grand Jury that begins investigating whether Edwards used presidential funding to buy a conspiracy of silence to cover-up the affair and pregnancy.
On Jan. 21, 2010 – Edwards finally admits paternity of Rielle’s child, Frances Quinn Hunter. Edwards and his wife Elizabeth, who is battling terminal cancer, separate.
On Dec. 7, 2010 – Elizabeth dies after a long battle with cancer. In an act of revenge, she leaves John nothing in her will.
Photo credit: Splash News Online
During the first six months of 2011, The Grand Jury continues to hear testimony, recalling witnesses who've already testified including Hunter and Andrew Young.
Presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards with campaign staff videographer RIELLE HUNTER. Edwards announced In December 2006 that he was running for office. Oct. 22, 2007 – The ENQUIRER publishes its first exclusive report about Edwards’ affair.
Photo credit: The National Enquirer
On June 6, 2011 Edwards is indicted by the Federal Grand Jury. The case of USA v. Johnny Reid Edwards contains six counts, including conspiracy, four counts of illegal campaign contributions and one count of false statements.
Official Justice Dept. mug shot
Photo credit: Us Department of Justice
On April 23, 2012 opening statements in trial of John Edwards take place in Raleigh, N.C.
On May 31, 2012 JOHN EDWARDS was found Not Guilty on one count of conspiracy and a mistrial was declared on the five other criminal charges when jurors were unable to break their deadlock.
Photo credit: Getty Images News
How The NATIONAL ENQUIRER broke the JOHN EDWARDS love child scandal and was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.
Photo credit: Associated Press