The clothing chain Topshop — which carries Ivy Park — said that the line "has a rigorous ethical trading program." But this isn't Beyoncé's first time being accused of exploiting workers. The diva also got dissed over her work representing the H&M swimwear line in 2013. Reports came out from the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights that fashions were fashioned under deplorable conditions in Bangladesh. “There was child labor," said institute director Charles Kernaghan — adding: "People were being beaten, cheated of their wages, and wages were very, very low.”
H&M denied knowledge of how the garments were produced, and said the corporation hadn't approved the facilities — adding that H&M "strives to conduct its business in a responsible and transparent way, and we take specific exception to the manner in which Mr. Charles Kernaghan has tried to portray us." But as Beyoncé kept pushing the product, she joined other disgraced figures in the Celebrity Sweat Shop Hall of Shame...