Talk About The Cat’s Meow: Jessica Alba Accosted By Feline-Loving Fan

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Dog-loving pet owner Jessica Alba got sneak-attacked by a raging nutjob cat-lover who’d read that the star would never own a pussycat — and may I (proudly) note I have NOT stooped to meee-OW-ing some dreadful double entendre headline like: “Jessica slammed as P*SSY-HATER!”

So slap your OWN head on this bizarre tale of adorable Alba, dining with pals at an LA eatery, suddenly mega-shocked when a wacko female feline-lover stormed right in her face and cursed her for … dissing CATS!

“I knew I’d run into you someday,” howled Looney Lady. “How can anyone NOT LIKE CATS?!”

Reported My SpyWitness: “Truly crazed, the woman raged non-stop at shell-shocked Jessica — acting like she might attack physically!

“As diners freaked, staffers finally yanked the ranting bitch away — and tossed her out like something the cat dragged in!” SOURPUSS!