The Honorable Judge Mike Walker (that’s me, folks!) warns the woman who just filed ANOTHER sexual battery lawsuit against “Nash Bridges” star Don Johnson that she’s flirting with contempt of my court — because she keeps CHANGING her story, dammit! In her latest lawsuit, the former “Jane Doe” reveals her real name — Deborah Avina — and asks for $25,000-plus, claiming Mr. Johnson allegedly harassed her in a Frisco sushi bar, whispering “lewd and vulgar comments” about her breasts — and huskily requesting a . . . er, Lewinsky! But Judge Walker demands that plaintiff answer THIS question: Why did you drop the claim in your original lawsuit that Mr. Johnson “grabbed the plaintiff’s genitals”? And what about that lawsuit’s even wackier contention that you were in the restaurant on or about “January 8” and defendant Johnson was there on “January 20”? That absurdity led Judge Walker to declare in this column: CASE DISMISSED! Now you come before my bench again, plaintiff — and I solemnly warn you: DO NOT TRY THE PATIENCE OF THIS COURT!