Is it true what they’re saying about SHERYL CROW and THAT Eskimo diet?
Grammy nominee Sheryl Crow is singing the praises of her cancer-fighting diet, insisting it is healthy AND delicious!
In her new book: “If It Makes You Healthy,” the breast cancer survivor admits that at first she wasn’t crazy about the disease-busting foods in her new diet.
But she credits celebrity private chef Chuck White of Nashville for changing her mind – by showing her how to turn the menu from bland to grand!
And Sheryl was so impressed, she hired Chuck to cook for her, her fellow musicians and her crew while she toured.
The entertainer’s eating regimen – which she calls the “Eskimo Diet” – features a lot of salmon, tomatoes and brown rice.
“Sheryl’s not a huge fan of tomatoes or salmon, so what we did was get creative with colorful vegetables, which have more nutrients than green vegetables,” explained Chuck, who co-authored the book. “I found ways to incorporate tomatoes into her regular diet to make it more fun, interesting and flavorful.
“Making healthy food fun – that’s the key.”
Sheryl, 49, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. After surgery and radiation treatments, she was declared to be in remission. But she didn’t want to take any chances that her cancer would return.
“My cancer diagnosis screamed ‘vulnerable’ to me,” she writes in the book. “Never once in my life had I really considered what I put into my body as having a direct connection to my wellness. I learned the benefits of nutrients such as omega-3 and lycopene (found in salmon and tomatoes) and began to eat what I call an Eskimo Diet – lots of salmon, brown rice and colorful vegetables.”
The book contains a host of healthy recipes for her fans and fellow cancer survivors, including roasted salmon with blueberry barbecue sauce and fried green tomato BLTs.
Added Chuck: “It must be working – she eats very well and she looks great, and she credits her diet with helping in her fight against cancer