Prince Philip’s Crash Victim Slams Royal In New Interview After Breaking Wrist During Accident

Emma Fairweather is royally pissed off at the Duke of Edinburgh!

Prince Philip's Crash Victim Speaks Out
Getty Images; Mega

Emma Fairweather doesn’t give a s–t that Prince Philip is royalty. She was left with a broken wrist after being involved in a car crash with the Duke of Edinburgh on Thursday, January 17, and now, she’s slamming the 97-year-old for how poorly he handled the situation.

Fairweather is especially angry after seeing photos released by Daily Mail of Queen Elizabeth’s husband driving just two days after the incident that left his Land Rover flipped over on the side of the road. “Accidents do happen, of course, they do happen, but I think there needs to be a period of reflection to prevent the same thing happening again,” she declared on ITV’s This Morning. “I think it’s highly insensitive and inconsiderate towards me and everyone involved.”

Considering the fact Philip is prancing around Sandringham Estate unharmed while Fairweather is in a cast, we’re not surprised she’s gone into a frenzy. “I haven’t had a full medical check up yet,” she revealed on the talk show. “I just feel [the Duke’s] treatment, his experience, probably isn’t the same as mine.”

The worst part? Philip allegedly hasn’t even apologized. “The message he passed on didn’t even make sense. He said, ‘The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh would like to be remembered to you’. That’s not an apology or even a well-wish,” she told Sunday Mirror.  “It would mean the world to me if Prince Philip said sorry but I have no idea if he’s sorry at all. What would it have taken for him and the Queen to send me a card and a bunch of flowers?”

Prince Philip's Crash Victim Speaks Out


Fairweather, 46, just wants someone to acknowledge her. “I’m very worried I haven’t been asked for a statement from police, I’m very worried — and don’t know the truth of this but some people have said the royal family don’t have to have insurance — that I’ve been injured by an uninsured driver and I don’t understand the process from here,” she shared on This Morning.

She’s just looking for “an acknowledgment, not so much an admission of responsibility, but someone I could talk to about how difficult this is for me.” She concluded, “I haven’t had any support, just from my very immediate family. I want assurances this is being dealt with but you don’t know what the situation is.”