Beloved Laverne & Shirley star Penny Marshall is battling for her life after being diagnosed with a brain tumor, The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively.
The 66-year-old producer and director – who was also found to have a tumor on her liver – secretly underwent brain surgery at a New York hospital on Oct. 30, say sources close to the star’s family.
Penny received the shocking diagnosis after suddenly falling ill following a recent plane flight, said the source.
A Bronx native and lifelong Yankees fan, Penny had flown from Los Angeles to New York to see her favorite team in the playoffs and hopefully in the World Series.
“After the flight, Penny felt so sick that she needed to see a doctor,” continued the source.
“She was vomiting and thought it might be the flu.
“But she got the shock of her life when the doctors told her she had a tumor on both her brain and her liver.
“Doctors told her they needed to schedule her for surgery and that they’d need to take a biopsy to determine if she had cancer.”
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