‘Saved By The Bell’ Sex Tape Scandal! Lark Voorhies Vs. Her Ex

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Lark Voorhies’ ex is peddling a nasty sex tape he claims shows her doing “everything” — however the former “Saved by the Bell” teen star refused to take it lying down!

Jimmy Green, Lark’s ex-husband, told RadarOnline.com exclusively that he is ready to sell the no-holds-barred, XXX video if the right offer comes along.

“If somebody offered me $2 million, I’d probably have to consider it,” he admitted.

For her part, Lark, 41 — who previously denied rumors about a sex tape in October — took to Twitter to defend herself, tweeting, “I am here to clear my name. LV.”

But she had to leap to Instagram to deny posting a vulgar anti-Jimmy rant — which cracks on him for losing his job at Taco Bell and asks, “Is it normal for (your manhood) to smell like corn chips?” — and claiming she was hacked.

“I truly apologize. It seems as though my Instagram account has been compromised to the most fullest,” she wrote.

Jimmy maintained that the sex tape — recorded over the course of one steamy night — does exist, and he had his ex-wife’s consent to make it.

“I asked her before I did it,” Jimmy claimed. “She knew about it, and I even used her phone. That’s why she didn’t deny it exists.”

He also assured RadarOnline that the recording delivers the raunchy goods — including oral, anal and anything in between.

“We don’t do nothing regular. The tape shows everything,” he promised. “Anybody who sees it would be surprised. Ain’t nobody seen Lark like that!”

Jimmy also pointed out that he bears no malice toward Lark, who filed for divorce in October.

“Lark is cool. She’s still my friend,” he said. “I love her and I don’t want to hurt her. I wish the best for her.”