Mike Walker Reports … Kathie Lee Gifford’s long-held dreams of sitcom stardom just turned realer than hell, thanks to “The Office” co-creator/Brit funnyman Ricky Gervais!
KLG’s wooed endless TV big shots with pitches for her own show — including dandy Andy Cohen, who nixed every idea, as reported here — but Ricky thinks KLG’s “bloody hilarious” and wants to team up on a comedy series.
Kathie Lee & Hoda: Daytime Divas At War
Said My KLG BFF: “They have tremendous chemistry! He loves guesting on ‘Today’ because they always giggle their butts off!
Now he’s created a genius idea where he marries a fictionalized KLG — who’d basically be playing herself — and swears they’ll end up laughing all the way to the BANK!”