Kate Middleton and son George on a Country Play Date

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It was the final outing for PRINCE GEORGE and his heavily pregnant mom, Duchess of Cambridge KATE MIDDLETON, and they sure looked like they had some fun! Kate treated 21-month-old George to a day at a farm and petting zoo near their home. Before long, the pint-sized prince was holding court with a gaggle of admirers. The mom-and-son bonding included Kate, 33, supporting “Georgie” – as she calls him – while the energetic heir scrambled up onto the playground equipment. Once they reached the top, she took his hand and together they slid down twin slides. The royal pair then hit the main attractions: real farm animals! Observers said they fed goats and pigs, and an excited George – with Kate’s guidance – joined a group of children and bottle-fed a piglet. When it came time to leave, the miniature monarch had other ideas. Perched high on a stack of hay bales, it took all of Kate’s powers of persuasion to coax him from his throne!