WITH his criminal trial behind him, JOHN EDWARDS looked like a man without a care as he enjoyed a long Father’s Day weekend with his precious 4-year-old daughter, Frances Quinn.

Clad in swim trunks and a Polo shirt instead of his usual suit, the disgraced politician, who beat charges of illegal use of campaign funds, romped on the beach in Wilmington, N.C., near a vacation retreat rented by his former mistress Rielle Hunter, little Quinn’s mom.

On Thursday, June 14, Rielle and Quinn arrived from their Charlotte home.

The blonde divorcee and her daughter played and splashed together until Edwards arrived.

Both Rielle and Edwards enjoyed separate time with their daughter throughout the weekend.

On Friday, Rielle drove to a pharmacy parking lot, 10 minutes from Edwards’ Wilmington area home, and put Quinn into her daddy’s car to spend the afternoon.

Incredibly, Edwards gave Rielle a tender peck, even though publication of her shocking tell-all was only days away.

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