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BRITISH royals – already rocked by Prince Andrew’s involvement in a pedophile sex slave ring – are scrambling over a new royal sex scandal, as a California woman claims to be Princess Diana’s long-lost aunt!

Ann Ukrainetz, 71, is reigniting her 18-year campaign to be recognized as the illegitimate daughter of the late Lord Maurice Fermoy – who was also the grand-father of Princess Diana!

“I think it’s sad that they want to dismiss my claim without getting into the nitty-gritty of what happened,” Ann confessed to The National ENQUIRER.

“They just want to brush it under the carpet so that they don’t have to deal with it.”

Ann, who lives in a suburb of San Diego, has provided The ENQUIRER with extensive evidence to prove she’s yet another love child in a long line of royal philandering.

The Sunday school teacher is almost certainly Lord Fermoy’s hidden daughter – AND the great aunt of Princes William and Harry.

The royal secret began to unravel with the death of Ann’s mother in 1966. Amateur actress Evelyn Rudderforth left behind a tormented confession that Ann had grown up with a father who wasn’t her actual parent.

A handwritten note in one of her mother’s old songbooks revealed that Ann’s real father was Lord Fermoy, who died in 1955 – the same year that Ann’s family suddenly left England to settle in Canada.

“Charles was not your biological father. I fell in love with Lord Fermoy and we had you as a result. He was married and I was just a commoner,” the message read.

Ann told The ENQUIRER she was shocked by the revelation and didn’t even know who Lord Fermoy was. She couldn’t ask the man who had raised her, because Charles also died in 1966.

“I wish [my mom] had told me about it when she was alive,” explained Ann, a mother of three and grandmother of seven. “She may have felt as if she had betrayed herself and didn’t want me to think badly of her, and so she kept it to herself.”

With the help of a friend, Ann began to reconstruct her childhood growing up in England. She recalled a weekly visit from a well-dressed man she knew only as “the insurance man.”

Rifling through musty documents, Ann discovered secret love letters and notes that revealed Lord Fermoy paid for Ann’s music lessons.

Ann thinks her mother met Lord Fermoy through his wife, Lady Ruth, who was a patron of the King’s Lynn Players – a theater group that included Ann’s mother.

In a surprising twist, Princess Diana’s mother is supporting Ann’s story from beyond the grave. Frances Shand Kydd would have been Ann’s half-sister. The family matriarch passed away in 2004 – less than a year after noting the possible bloodline in the biography, “Frances: The Remarkable Story of Princess Diana’s Mother.”

“Evelyn Rudderforth was paid in cash and packed off to a foreign county, on the understanding that she and the child would be provided for in return for her discretion,” Frances revealed to her biographers.

The Royal Family and Lord Fermoy’s descendants still refuse to meet with Ann, or provide DNA evidence to prove her case.

Lord Fermoy’s grandson has admitted to English media that he’s received Ann’s letters but, “Until anything further comes out, I’m not going to believe what she has to say.”

“It’s a sad situation,” Ann said. “They just want to draw the blinds and pretend that nothing happened.”