Pop star Justin Bieber’s lucky wife, Hailey Bieber, survived a terrifying blood clot — but doctors tell The National ENQUIRER the model came dangerously close to suffering severe brain damage!
Hailey, 25, was having breakfast with her hubby at their California home on March 10 when she was suddenly socked by stroke-like symptoms, which experts say can include trouble walking and speaking, and numbness in the face, arms and legs.
According to the gorgeous gal, hospital docs discovered she’d had “a very small blood clot” in her brain! Though the condition has potential to be deadly, Hailey — daughter of actor Stephen Baldwin — reveals, “My body had passed it on its own and I recovered completely within a few hours.”
Justin, 28, is said to have stayed by his honey’s side throughout the ordeal, but sources dish the haunted “Ghost” singer is “traumatized!” Though Hailey claims to be doing well, a source spills, “She’ll need to be monitored for the foreseeable future.”
New York internist Dr. Stuart Fischer, author of The Little Book of Big Medical Emergencies, says a clot like Hailey’s consists of “blood platelets and proteins” forming a “mini-boulder in an artery,” which can block oxygen-rich blood from reaching brain neurons!
Disturbingly, Fischer explains if Hailey’s clot hadn’t passed within five minutes, she might have suffered irreversible brain damage, causing paralysis, speech impediments, visual impairment and loss of
bodily functions!
He notes residual brain injury could have happened already, but adds, “Hopefully, it didn’t. MRIs would detect it — unless it was something microscopic that vanished.” According to Fischer, Hailey’s episode “is as frightening a diagnosis as exists in medicine because it was the brain.”
Florida-based oncologist Dr. Jerome Spunberg agrees and says possible clot-causing culprits include fertility drugs, pregnancy and an irregular heartbeat.“It could also be related to COVID,” he adds. “It’s not normal for a young woman in her age group to have a problem like this.”
In fact, Hailey’s health crisis came after Justin’s brief February bout with COVID-19! An insider says the “brave” beauty is downplaying her scare, but Justin is “a jittery mess” and confides, “If something were to happen to Hailey, he wouldn’t know how to cope.” The doctors quoted in this article have not treated Hailey Baldwin.