MARTHA STEWART’s been living large while her com­pany sinks, but sources say the domestic diva is finally getting her wings clipped!

Her firm, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, has turned a profit just once in the past 11 years, and its stock has plummeted from a high of $38 a share to a measly $2.43.

Meanwhile, 72-year-old Martha – who became an in­stant billionaire when the company went public in 1999 – was granted increasingly huge pay hikes. Her total compensation jumped from $2 million in 2007 to $7 million in 2008. In 2009, she pocketed $9.7 million, while the company lost $15 million!

“To a lot of people involved in the company, Martha has been fiddling while Rome burned,” said a source.

“Her argument has always been that her name is on the company masthead, and she has to show that others can enjoy a taste of her lifestyle by buying her wares.

“But it’s come to the point of no re­turn. The company is laying off people while Martha lives like the Queen of England.”

Desperate to right the ship, the firm shuttered several divisions last year, laid off 70 employ­ees and slashed Martha’s salary to $5.2 million.

But that doesn’t mean she’s going to stop living the high life.

“Martha is willing to feel the pinch a bit to help reverse the company’s fortunes, but she says Martha Stewart does not live on a budget,” said the source.

“Still, when push comes to shove, the big money may not be there for her anymore.”