LATEST: Andrew Young says the FBI has a copy for the John Edwards sex tape, according to court documents. The FBI has been investigating the money that exchanged hands during Edwards’ second White House campaign as The ENQUIRER reported previously.
North Carolina Superior Court charges Edwards ex-aide Andrew Young in contempt, demands sex tape sought by mistress Rielle Hunter handed over!
Superior Court Judge Abraham Penn Jones reprimanded ex- Edwrads toady Andrew Young in a hearing today but declined to put him in police custody.
The contempt ruling will be lifted if Young turns over the much discussed sex videotape "of a personal nature" and other items by Wednesday, Jones said.
Young in his book The Politician and on Nightline explicitly detailed the tape as the disgraced two time Presidential loser and believed to-be pregnant mistress were taped allegedly doing the horizontal tango!
Hunter had won a temporary restraining order against Young last Friday but then Young refused to release the tape to deputies.
"These items are to be produced and turned over to the court," Superior Court Justice Jones said.
"The court will put them under lock and key – and under seal – until the lawsuit is resolved."