
DINA LOHAN’s interview shocker with Dr. Phil was SUCH a DISASTER that she flipped him the bird!

Lindsay Lohan’s mom (acorn doesn’t fall FAR from the tree?) slurred speech and seemingly incoherent flippant responses have now gone viral  RadarOnline.com reports

“Can I ask you some questions, and you answer them, not in television speak but just answer them honestly?” Dr. Phil asks Dina who is bizarrely fidgeting and giggling through the interview

Dr. Phil hits a brick wall when trying to get Dina to suitably answer a query.

“You spent more time talking about cameras, are we rolling…that’s my business…we’re not here about my business, we’re here about your life." 

He slams Dina’s actions and that’s when she flips him off.

 “What you have done is distinguished yourself in the negative, you have come on here and been phony and inauthentic,” Dr. Phil says and Dina puts up both middle fingers to the cameras and says “sorry.”