Christian Bale leaves Starbucks with a coffee and newspaper

CHRISTIAN BALE, not one to quell his volcanic tempest in a bat-suit, unleashes his untenable rage on homeless combatants!

Bale, who plays Batman in new “Dark Knight Rises” saved the day recently when he swooped in to break up a fight between two homeless peo­ple in his California neighborhood.

The Brit-born thesp, 38,who lives in the affluent Brentwood sec­tion of Los Angeles spot­ted the heated exchange in a busy shopping area over the hol­iday period.

And as soon as Bale saw fists flying, he raced to the rescue.

“I could not believe what I was seeing,” said a nearby store owner, who witnessed the event. “It wasn’t clear what the people were arguing about – but it soon became apparent that their conversation was heading toward a violent incident.

“One of the homeless guys cocked back his fist and was just about to strike the other man – but out of nowhere Christian Bale appeared and got in the middle of them!

“Christian acted like a referee and told the homeless men to take it elsewhere – and away from all the families that were enjoying the peaceful surroundings.”

According to eyewitnesses, as soon as the action star said he was calling the police, both men quickly ran off.

“Christian then got a standing ovation from the passers-by,” added the source. “He smiled, waved his hand in the air to thank those clap­ping, and went into Starbucks to grab a coffee."

Holy press clipping!