Rob Shuter

Roseanne’s Revenge — Aliens Coming For Her Co-Stars

Friends float fitting end for under-performing 'Conners!'

roseanne barr show canceled revenge
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Rob Shuter reports…. Pals of Roseanne Barr are urging her to launch her own spinoff!

“Roseanne is still angry her character was killed off by an opioid overdose,” a source told The National ENQUIRER.

“In the new show, her husband and children would die at the hands of illegals,” sources said.

Roseanne Blasts ‘The Conners’ In Latest Celebrity Feud!

“But she no longer owns the rights to her own character.”

Not that things have gone smoothly for ABC, where “The Conners” — created out of the old show’s ashes — turned into a ratings disaster.