Shocking Scene!

Woman Drove Two Miles With A Body In Her Windshield

Substance abuse counselor sentenced to 25 years!

body dragged dui prison sentence

California substance-abuse counselor Sherri Lynn Wilkins pleaded “no contest” to second-degree murder and two drunken-driving counts and will face 25 years to life in prison for hitting a man with her car and driving two miles with his body embedded in her windshield.

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Wilkins was wobbly from three shots of vodka and a beer that she’d gulped down in her car before driving through Torrence, California on her way home from work, and claimed she was “self-medicating” to deal with pain from knee injury, The National ENQUIRER has learned. Two miles after hitting 31-year-old Phillip Moreno with sufficient force to embed his half-naked body in her windshield, other drivers confronted Wilkins and summoned police to the frightening scene, and Moreno later died at a hospital.

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A recovered heroin abuser who previously served time on a burglary charge, Wilkins’ 25-to-life sentence came as the result of an appeal of her earlier conviction in the case, which would have put her away for at least 55 years. Appeals judges threw out that conviction based on the belief that testimony about Wilkin’s prior run-ins with the law had prejudiced jurors in her trial.