
BRISTOL PALIN defies her mother SARAH to get closer to Jersey Shore beefcake THE SITUATION on Dancing With the Stars!

The ENQUIRER has learned that the REAL reason the former Alaska governor didn’t show up to support Bristol’s first live TV appearance was because the two had clashed over Bristol’s growing friendship with the Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino.

"Sarah was in Los Angeles visiting Bristol and fully planned to attend the premiere of Dancing with the Stars, but everything changed when Sarah realized that Bristol has a crush on Mike," divulged an insider.

Sarah was forced to watch Bristol’s debut from her living room in Wasilla, Alaska.

"Bristol was boasting to her mom about Mike being a funny, cool guy, and Sarah told her to stay away from him because being associated with his crowd would make for some bad headlines.

"Bristol fought back by telling her mom that all she really cares about is how Bristol’s personal life will affect her political career."

Sarah is widely believed to be considering a run for president in 2012.

Bristol, 19, and Mike, 29, are living in the same Los Angeles apartment complex during the dance competition. They have never hooked up, but Sarah fears that if Bristol falls for party boy Mike, her life will spiral out of control, said the insider.

As The ENQUIRER recently reported, both Sarah, 46, and the father of Bristol’s son Tripp – 20-year-old Levi Johnston – were livid when Bristol uprooted the 22-month-old from his family in Alaska to be cared for by a nanny while she dances her way to fame on DWTS.

Bristol sees the show as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to start a show business career.

She thinks that cultivating a friendship with Mike could earn her some guest appearances on Jersey Shore or even some sort of deal with MTV, says the insider.