Serial seducer John Mayer TAMED! Katy Perry’s ‘making me CRAZY!’

IT's OFFICIAL: In a stunning reversal, swaggering lady-slayer JOHN MAYER’s suddenly totally lady-whipped by KATY PERRY – and that highly publicized ring he just blinged her PROVES it!

Turns out Buxom Hottie’s been playing hard to get, sometimes ignoring phone messages for days, so Mr. Smooth arranged a three-night romantic getaway to a posh California spa – even hiring a plane to whisk him and K-K-Katy away – but the temperamental temptress pouted that she was NOT in the mood, delivering a stinging kisser-slap when she organized a girls-only spa getaway on those exact days with three BFFs! OOW!

Stunned, Studly John – who’s famously extinguished hotpants fires for star sizzlers JESSICA SIMPSON, JENNIFER ANISTON and TAYLOR SWIFT – started complaining to pals that strong-willed Katy’s tough to handle. “This woman’s making me crazy!” he moaned to my source. “She’s totally unpredictable and I never know where I stand with her…it sucks!”

Whimpering like…well, like a guy who’s been lady–whipped (you know the feeling, fellas!)… Mayer then sprung for that blingy ring, but Katy quickly denied it denoted an engagement. (Met your match, Johnny-boy?)