
 The Oscar clock ran out on smitten SANDRA BULLOCK, who’s searching desperately for a sexy Cinder-fella she met that magical night for the first time – who suddenly ran off with her heart!

Crushing on a tall, dark and handsome young TV reporter she bumped into after the ceremonies, the star gushed to pals: “He is so sexy! I get weak in the knees thinking about him!”

The minute they met, sparks flew instantly, says My SandySource.

“She was smiling ear to ear. He kept telling her how beautiful she looked.

"She got all girly and started flirting shamelessly. But then her ‘people’ whisked her off before she could ask his name. So she’s dubbed him ‘Prince Mic’ – short for ‘microphone.’ Sandy can’t get him out of her mind, so she’s doing endless Internet 13 searches of TV stations to find her mystery man.”

WOW! Talk about a smitten kitten!

NOTE TO “PRINCE MIC”: I’ll put you in touch if you e-mail me, or tweet me @IMwalkergossip.