Justin Bieber Shoe Lifts

HANG IN THERE, BIEBS! Hollywood can be like an “American Horror” sideshow of freaks and geeks desperate for stardom … so step right up to the carnival as JUSTIN BIEBER secretly torture-stretches his height-challenged frame for fame and fortune! 

Reports My Showbiz Spy: “Justin’s 21, but desperately hopes he’s still a growing boy – so to upsize, he disappears into his dressing room at least twice a day and HANGS UPSIDE DOWN! Biebs is only 5’6” or 5’7”-ish, even though you may read online that he’s 5’9” – but he’s NOT! Yet he still believes he can stretch to big-boy height, so his assistant helps him monkey-hang from a bar. He even does so-called ‘leg-stretch exercises’ to lengthen his legs!”

But Grow-Geek’s got one get-tall trick that actually works: He secretly wears lifts in his boots!