
A fling with an old flame sent TIGER WOODS‘ ex-wife ELIN into a panic – because she feared she was pregnant!

The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively that Elin Nordegren was so scared that she sent a staff member to buy her a home pregnancy test kit.

Elin was terrified of what Tiger might do if he found out she was having another man’s baby, a close source told The ENQUIRER.

"She said, ‘Cheating was OK for him, but he gets crazy at any hint that I might have a boyfriend. If I got pregnant, Tiger would make my life a living hell!’" the source said.

Elin, 31, was vacationing in her native Sweden when she hooked up with a Swedish real estate developer she dated before she met the golf pro when the specter of the rabbit reared its head.

FOR THE FULL STORY it’s only in the new ENQUIRER!