
Tween diva Miley C. says finito to Hannah movie franchise!

"We got really lucky with having the material to make one movie," Miley revealed, hyping new -and last flick Hannah Montana: The Movie.

"I don’t know if I would do another film, but I would love to do another season," said the Disney doyenne, who’s inked for a third and negotiating a fourth. "That would be what we would all agree on."

Miley, who would be 20 after a fourth season, is already branching out – not with a beach party movie in the Annette Funicello tradition of Disney darlin’s escaping the Maus Haus but with a romantic flick she’ll be working on over the summer hiatus The Last Song.

Miley confessed she’s more than curious to see if she’s actually "a good actress or not, or if I’m just good at playing myself.

"We’ll see how that goes."