Matthew McConaughey Defends Lance Armstrong

MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY is coming to the defense of his long-time pal LANCE ARMSTRONG. The seven-time Tour de France champ admitted to doping to enhance his performance in January.

"He told a lie, he's not a liar," McConaughey explains in the April issue of Details. "When it came out, I took it personally, but then I realized it ain't personal to him. I was going, 'That son of a bitch!' but then I thought, 'Well, what was he supposed to do? Call me to the side and go, 'Hey, I did this'? But I'm happy for him now, because despite all this outside conflict, he doesn't have this inner conflict anymore."

McConaughey said these days the father of three doesn't have much time to hang out with the guys. "I do have less time for friends now," he admits. "My close friends have had to come to understand that I can't just throw on a backpack and say, 'We'll be back in four days.'"

He explains, "You start a family and you get selfish. I remember feeling not sure about what I wanted to do and feeling — I'm not sure despondent is the right word, but a feeling like things are plateauing. I wanted more evolution. I want to feel ascension in the grade. Because I was feeling a lot of ascension in my personal life, qualitative evolution. I wanted to close the gap between who I am and the life I'm living and my work life."