

Baffling mystery! Why is the Jackson Family keeping PARIS JACKSON away from matriarch Katherine?

The story is especially weird because Katharine, 82, has been raising Michael's three kids (Paris, Prince, and Blanket) following the singer's shocking death in June 25, 2009. 

Yet Paris set off a firestorm this weekend when she tweeted: "yes, my grandmother is missing. i haven't spoken with her in a week i want her home now."

Paris later Tweeted a message asking anyone who’s seen her grandmother to call authorities or a number she posted. She later wrote, “the same doctor that testified on behalf of dr murray saying my father was a drug addict (a lie) is caring for my grandmother… just saying.”

Los Angeles Police Department officials said late Sunday that Katherine was in fact safe, after her nephew Trent reported her missing a few days ago.

According to a report, Katherine's trip to Arizona was planned in advance, RadarOnline.com reported.

Jemaine released a statement decrying the public hysteria that sprouted out of earlier reports, adding his mother was ordered to "de-stress" on the trip and not answer the phone or check the computer. He added that no one's access has been blocked to her.

 “Let me put to bed today’s nonsense: as I made clear some days ago, Mother is safe and well in Arizona with her daughter and our sister, Rebbie, resting up on doctor’s advice, so it is beyond me how she can be reported “missing”.

“No-one is being “blocked” from speaking with Mother. She is merely an 82-year-old woman following doctor’s orders “to rest-up and de-stress, away from phones and computers. Everyone has been well aware of this within the family, but I would like to reiterate my reassurance to the outside world that Mother is fine. In the meantime, thank you for all your thoughts and concerns.”