
FIFTY years after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, bomb­shell new evidence reveals that JFK’s autopsy was faked.

In a world exclusive ENQUIR­ER interview, the first nurse in the life-or-death drama to try to revive Kennedy at Dallas’ Parkland Hos­pital has disclosed the existence of a mystery bullet she discovered in the president’s neck – a bullet that disappeared and never showed up in any investigative reports.

For a half-century, registered nurse Phyllis Hall, now 78, has kept her silence, saying nothing about the bullet and the controversy surrounding the official autopsy – until now.

Her blockbuster information reveals that Lee Harvey Oswald could not have acted alone – that there had to be at least one other assassin firing from in front of Kennedy’s motorcade, likely from the infamous “grassy knoll.”

“The autopsy report was faked,” Hall told The ENQUIRER. “All you have to do is look at the doctors’ reports to know that something is rotten.”

After valiant attempts to save Kennedy in Parkland’s Trauma Room One failed, the body was rushed to Bethesda Naval Hospital near Washing­ton, D.C., for the autopsy.

Hall says the swift removal of the body enabled tampering with the corpse.

“The body never should have left Parkland be­fore the autopsy was done,” she said. “The body was tampered with – before it got to Bethesda and after.

“I read some of the reports back then, and I thought, ‘This is not right. This is not how it looked. What about the other bullet? I was there! I saw it! I know it was there, but it just disappeared.’”

Looking back at the drama, Hall recalled that President Kennedy was already dead when he ar­rived at Parkland.

“I tried to feel for vital signs, but I could feel no pulses. His eyelids were half-closed and his color was what we refer to as cyanotic – bluish gray. His pupils were fixed and dilated.

“I noticed a big exit wound underneath his Adam’s apple near the top of the breast bone. He had a massive wound on the back of the right side of his head, which had to be an exit wound. The bullet that exited from the back right side of his skull came somewhere from the front, toward the top of his head.

“This means that Oswald probably was not the only shooter. The car had already passed the point where he would have had a shot. That shot had to have come from the front… near the grassy knoll.

“That whole section of his head was gone. There was no brain tissue in the cavity – most of it was on Jackie Kennedy.”

Hall was shocked to discover a bullet lodged between the president’s earlobe and the top of the shoulder, on Kennedy’s right side.

“It was out of its casing, in pristine condition,” she told The ENQUIRER, “al­most perpendicular to his body. There was no blood or tissue on it. It was about two inches long and came to a sharp point. It looked just like brushed brass, and it wasn’t like it had hit any­thing hard.”

Shockingly, she notes, it did not look like the bullets in the autopsy report. Those bullets, fired by Oswald, had rounded tips.

Hall says the mystery bullet she discovered with its more pointed tip “was different-looking.”

She added: “Doris Nelson, who was the operat­ing room supervisor, got a specimen container and took the bullet up to the operating room, to store it with the other specimens.

“I don’t know what happened to it after that.”

Lance Moore, author of “Killing JFK: 50 Years,  50 Lies,” told The ENQUIRER that Hall “is correct. The autopsy was faked!

“The autopsy report shows pictures of an almost undamaged back of the skull, and the pictures of the back of JFK’s head from the autopsy are dramatically different from what 90 percent of the medical staff said. Every witness said they saw a gaping wound!

“These are trained doctors, who are used to trauma, emergency room doctors, and they are all saying emphatically that there was a gaping wound in the back of the president’s head – a fist-size hole.”

Hall has compared the size of the wound to her hand.

Author Moore believes there was a cover-up involving U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter, counsel for the Warren Commission investigating the assassination, who had championed the theory that Oswald was the lone gunman.

He added: “I believe the autopsy cover-up was done at the direction of (President) Lyndon Johnson.”

Nurse Hall, who did not testify before the Warren Commission, had planned to take to her grave the secret about the mystery bullet that disappeared.

After the assassination, she got threatening letters and phone calls, as did several other members of the hospital staff. “I was scared for my family,” she told The ENQUIRER. “As a nurse, it’s built into you that you don’t talk about your patients or their illnesses.”

However, after the passage of a half-century, she felt it was time to go on the record.

“After all, it was history,” she explained.

Today, Hall is a firm believer that President Kennedy died as the result of a conspiracy.

“I don’t go along with the theory that Oswald was the only one involved in the shooting,” she told The ENQUIRER. “Lee Harvey was a patsy and a wannabe. He wanted to be something big.

“I don’t think the bullets all came from the same direction…It was a big, widespread conspiracy.”