
Declassified FBI records released reveal thousands of threats targeting TED KENNEDY for death!

The hush-hush docs reveal that Federal Bureau had a letter sent to the Secret Service on May 23, 1985, allegedly by a Michigan resident.

The sender, whose name was redacted in the sensitive document, declared dangerously: "Brass tacks — I’m gonna kill Kennedy and Reagan (then President) and I really mean it!"

The FBI considered the Michigan threat armed and dangerous.

But an accompanying psych profile analysis said she was "merely ventilating her frustrations and projecting her inadequacies."

The 1985 death threat was among 2,352 pages of documents the FBI has about the late Senator of Massachusetts who died last year at 77 from brain cancer.

Most of the newly released documents are death threats and extortion attempts against Teddy – among them one from an inmate pal of Bobby Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan alleging Ted was next.

"Ted Kennedy number three to be assassinated on Oct. 25, 1968. The Kennedy residence must be well protected on that date," noted one disturbing letter.

"These threats originated from multiple sources, including individuals, anonymous persons, and members of radical groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, "Minutemen" organizations, and the National Socialist White People’s Party ," the FBI revealed under the Freedom of Information Act.

Many of the newly declassified docs shed new light on the many, persisting enigmas of the Kennedy legacy.