
WHOOPI GOLDBERG, JOY BEHAR lose it during heated confrontation with ballistic BILL O’ REILLY during 9/11 mosque debate.

The controversial Fox News Channel host lit the powder keg saying "Muslims killed us on 9/11" prompting Whoopi and Joy to storm off during taping of the popular ABC show.

"I don’t want to sit here," Behar said. "I don’t. I’m outraged by that statement."
She exited quickly followed by Whoopi.
O’Reilly was promoing his new book "Pinheads and Patriots: Where You Stand in the Age of Obama," when he made his inflammatory declaration.
Co-creator Barbra Walters said her cohosts were wrong to walk off and then lit into O’Reilly, "You cannot take a whole religion and demean them."

"I’m not demeaning anybody," O’Reilly said.
"Yes, you are" Walters replied. "You are."
After O’Reilly apologized, both Behar and Goldberg returned to the set.
The ratings rhubarb was propelled by a discussion of the proposed Islamic enter, a mosque, blocks from the World Trade Center attacks by jihadists 9/11/01.