Dick Morris is the most feared voice in politics — and the former top strategist for Bill Clinton is documenting the new D.C. for The National ENQUIRER!
Every week, Dick provides a startling look into Washington’s biggest secrets, and provides exclusive video for NationalENQUIRER.com!
In the video above, Dick Morris reveals how — at long last — a government investigation could finally be closing in on his old employer Hillary Clinton!
The veteran D.C. insider breaks down a bombshell letter sent by the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and explains how Rep. Bob Goodlatte has been joined by every Republican on the Committee in a political maneuver that could unearth Hillary’s deepest secrets!
Dick also reveals the one weak link that could protect the former Secretary of State — while listing the many scandals waiting to be unearthed by a special prosecutor!
Watch the video above for the inside story on D.C.’s latest dramatic power play, and get the inside story on Washington’s quickly-shifting landscape in the new issue of The National ENQUIRER, on newsstands now!